Selasa, 26 Agustus 2008

Casual Wear For Cruise Trips

Going on a cruise can bring goose bumps on your skin cause it’s that vacation you looked forward to for such a long time. And lo! You are holding the tickets to your desired cruise. Now the daunting job to pack.

You only wish you could pack your entire wardrobe and take it with you. Alas you have to plan. The best way to make your checklist is to know the rules of the cruise, if there are any. Sometimes cruises do have rules like bow tie dinners or formal wears for ladies and gentlemen. In the yesteryears the captain’s dinner meant an extremely formal event to get your best dress out. But times have changed and so has the dressing sense.

Checking out the route of the cruise and the nature of it is also an important aspect before you get bag packing. If it is to the Mediterranean then floral dresses and two bathing suits are a must. If it is to warmer climates then carry a soft shawl or a trendy coat top so that you can walk the decks in the evening without the chilly breeze interrupting your rendezvous. It is important to know the climate and temperatures as you do not want to get stuck in warm clothes in a tropical climate and vice versa. So dig into routes information and then get shopping.

A wide rimmed hat is a saviour in a hot afternoon along with linen tops and pants. A sarong and a bikini or a full swimsuit is also a good take. Carry a thin muslin towel if you do not want those heavy Turkish towels on your head. And a halter top or dress is a must carry for the evenings. You can match it with any type of skirt or top. Two formal dresses are mandatory even if the schedule does not mention anything serious as surprise evening dinners or a supper at formal restaurants are quite occasional and you do not want to be caught in your beach attire.

Do not forget your accessories. For each and every dress, pack your earrings, necklace, bracelet, watch and of course your sandals. You can pack 2 to 3 pairs of sandals that will match most of your clothes. Usually black, brown and gold do the trick. If you are going on a shopping spree then buy lightweight red, silver and white pairs. They look eclectic on almost any dress.

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