Have you always been a letter writer? Do you like to make out to do list? Do you enjoy picking out greeting cards? Do you like to draw out your own business ads for the paper? If you said yes to any of these things then you need to have a printer at home attached to your computer. Printing with a home computer can become a hobby that you can truly become addicted to.
With a home computer and a printer you can do all sorts of creative and useful things. Scrap booking has never been as enjoyable or had as much creative potential as using a home printer to do this. Not only can you print your own photographs in the sizes and shapes that you wish, you are able to add borders and all kinds of funny or sentimental phrases. If you are in a scrap booking club you will not have to be embarrassed about your handy work because it will probably outshine the others.
Printing at home can also serve a more useful purpose when you learn to do things like design and print your own business cards, greeting cards, party invitations, and so many other printable items. Letter writing alone, if you still do that, can be more fun when typed on your computer in colorful fonts of all kinds. You can add a photo right on the letter itself if you like. It can make your correspondence much more fun and interesting for you and the recipient.
Gone are the days of the plain old type writer where you must type and retype a page because of mistakes or end up with a copy with white out spots that looks terrible. This used to be so annoying. Now you can type up your perfect copy, removing all mistakes as you go along, and then print a copy. School students have found the home printing process so much easier for doing papers and reports.
Even if you are not a computer expert you can learn all the basics of typing and printing using your computer and printer. At the very least you can use it for important things even if you do not have a hobby or two that you can use it for. Typing and printing your own resumes or even a journal can be useful. So the next time you find your self having to sit down and write out something that might take you more than a few minutes, try doing it on your computer and printing it yourself if you have not done it before. You just might find that it becomes hard to live without doing it.
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