Kamis, 14 Agustus 2008

Chloe and Mulberry

Bags are not just fashion but are also status symbols. There are “IT Bags” such as the classic Hermes Birkin and there are bags like Belenciaga motorcycle and Fendi Spy that are a craze among the young fashionable people all through the world. These bags are not temporary accessories, since they never go out of fashion and thus can be passed on to daughters and even granddaughters. Today, there are many designer replica bags that are sold throughout the world, but these false designer bags are no match to original Hermes or Dior bag. Still these are good values for your money. These stylish handbags satisfy the soul that has the real crave for style and quality.

Ladies so often go crazy about handbags that they like and do anything to make it their own. The recent introduction of Ascot Saddle bag and AVA Tote designer handbag and Edith Satchel bags saw just that with women chasing it throughout the world. Equesterian Kerala Shoulder handbag and Hampton bag seeks a lot of attention from women who are fond of designer handbags. Chloe handbags have been a hit in the market ever since it has arrived and as got many celebrities including Kate Moss and Victoria Beckham as its big fans. The round edged Chloe handbag is very feminine and looks very stylish. It has heavy padlock and round handles along with pebbled leather. Chloe handbags are high on popularity scale, and due to its popularity, Chloe has been producing various new designs of original Paddington and Paddington Tote is one such handbag. However, Chloe Paddington is not the Chloe bag that is alone very successful, but Betty bags and Edith bags are also sensationally successful.

When the topic is handbags how can Mulberry Handbags lag behind. Mulberry handbags are of quality wise brilliant leather product. There are varieties of stylish Mulberry Handbags. What is even better material from exotic Darwin to elegant Scotchgrain. These handbags are available in various beautiful earthy colors like black, chalk, chocolate and oak. However, the top mulberry bag at present is the messenger bag named Antony. In initial stages at was designed mainly for men but took no time in conquering women hearts and now it is selling more than the sexy Roxanne bag and Bayswater bag.

The new mulberry Spring-Summer collection brings to you Havana line that is made from light natural leather. Yet another beautiful bag is the newly arrived Knightsbridge bag made of Darwin leather. The elegance is so prominent that one would feel like a celebrity.

A good source of getting wholesale designer handbags is eBay. Once you log in to the website click ‘women’s accessories’ and just type the keywords-like handbags and search the details. Pursue4less.com good handbags from Louis Vuitton, Chloe, Mulberry but the website is not associated with any of the designers. In addition, italybags.com also sells large number of handbags directly from the manufacturers and sells them at low prices. Once you visit these websites, you cannot hold yourself back from buying the items.

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