There are many websites where you can buy couture gowns for as little as $99. Buying from an online supplier can be scary, but if you buy from one recommended by a knowledgeable wedding planner or a friend, you can be sure you wont be scammed. Remember to order early enough that there will be plenty of time to do any needed alterations. Some sites may offer a discount if you buy more than one dress from them. Rarely will a site sell only wedding gowns and not bridesmaids and flower girls apparel. You can usually order all the necessary accessories as well. From veils to tiaras, slips to foundations pieces. Look for a site that has most of everything you need . Buy the tuxes too. There are many sites that sell tuxes for about $120 for men’s and $40 for boys/teens sizes. Sure that may be a little more than renting, but hey, every man should own his own tux.
Search in used clothing stores. Goodwill and other thrift shops always have wedding dresses. Try consignment shops too. Most of those will have designer names as well. You can save from 20-75% by buying from a consignment or thrift shop. Remember to check the zippers/buttons and the seams at stress points (waist, bust, sleeve) before buying. Also if you will need to alter the dress, check to see if there is room to do that. If the dress has been altered already, the seamstress may not have left enough fabric to make any adjustments.
Hire a seamstress and have the gown made from polished cotton. Satin and silk are very expensive ($8.00 a yard and up) where as polished cotton is about $3-4 per yard. You will still get the sheen of satin for half the price. Also ask about any discounts the seamstress may offer if you have more than one item made. Keep the gown simple. When you get it home, sew on pearls, crystals, or other accents as you see fit. Sewing on beads is easy and only requires a needle, thread and beads.
Borrow your gown from a friend. Do you have a friend the same size as you?? Ask to borrow her dress. She may even let you make some changes to the neckline or other areas. Borrowing the dress is simple, free, and makes your friend feel like a big part of your special day.
Rent it!! Yes, you can rent a wedding gown. This is a good option for those who are not interested in storing a wedding gown , or for a second marriage. It will run about $200 to rent (plus deposit) depending on where you live.
Buy a prom or evening dress in a color you like. Many are available in white also. Most of the major department stores have coupons or sales you can use to save even more. Search the clearance racks first. Some of these dresses will be 50-80% off the original price.
Search the newspaper want ads. Sadly many times brides buy a dress, and then prince charming turns into a frog… These brides usually list their dresses in the newspapers want ads. Many times you can get a fabulous gown for ½ of the original price or less. I have seen them for as little as $50 with the veil and slip. Get papers from all the towns surrounding yours. Go as far as 50-75 miles away. Any money you spend on gas will be well worth the cost.
Skip the full dress, and buy a white dressy suit. This is a very good option if you are getting married for a second time, are having a very informal wedding, or maybe you and your beloved are eloping. You can save a lot of money compared to a gown. Plus you can have it dyed later and wear it for work other occasions.
Wear something you already own. This is a great tip for the attendants. Most men own suits in dark blue or black. Let them wear what they have. Just add a tie or handkerchief that matches your wedding colors. Gather your attendants together and take a survey of what they own as far as dresses/colors/lengths. Try to create your attendants look from what you have available already. You can also add things like beads, sequins, lace, shawls, jackets, ribbons, bows, or other accents. You will be surprised by what you can do with just a little creativity.
Now you have a dress, but what about the accessories. You still need a veil, shoes, and a slip. Here are some ideas on where to get those.
Petticoats and crinolines:
No matter where you get your gown, you can still rent the slip. If you are saving your gown to pass down to your daughter, she may not want the same type of slip you choose. Storing a petticoat takes up a lot of room also. Plus some of the acetates in the fabric can break down over time and make the slip unusable.
From cathedral to blushers:
What about the veil?? No problem. The same options for your gown are available for the veil. Make it yourself and save A LOT of cash. Tulle is less than $2 per yard for 120” wide. So depending on the length , style and accents you can make a veil for about $20!! Some designer veils are $300 and up. What a savings! If you are buying your gown out of the paper, ask the seller if she has the veil for sale also. Sometimes, you can get the veil thrown in for free. Borrow a veil from someone. A borrowed veil is free, and most of us have been to a wedding where the veil was absolutely perfect. Just ask.
Tip toe down the aisle:
Finding shoes that match your dress can sometimes be a daunting task. High heels are lovely and make your bottom and legs look good, but who will see them under all that skirt?? Opt for flats, skimmers, sandals, or other low shoes. Not only will your feet feel better, but you will save some $. Are you getting married in the summer?? Go barefoot. Many brides are opting for the no shoe look. If you just cant bring yourself to go barefoot, buy some of those super cute “Just married” flip-flops. How about some ballet shoes? Or a lovely pair of white satin “ballet” type house shoes. What ever you choose, your shoes (or your feet) are under your skirts. Don’t worry we will keep your secret….
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