Jumat, 01 Agustus 2008

Five Tips for Damaged Hair

Chemicals and heat are two of your hair’s worst enemies, and they are the two elements that we constantly expose our hair follicles to. Natural elements like sun, cold, and hard water can also cause hair damage. With all of these things working against the health of your hair it is important to know a few easy tips for repairing some of the damage that has been done to your hair.

Tip 1 – Use the Same Shampoo

Most people don’t realize that changing your shampoo can actually cause your hair to go into shock. When your hair is in shock it is brittle, straw-like, and unattractive. To give your hair a chance to stabilize you should find a shampoo that gets your hair clean and then stick with it.

Tip 2 – Use a Conditioner with Sun block Every Day

Using a conditioner with sun block every day has two functions. First, conditioner helps the scales on your hair follicles to lie flat, which improves both the look and feel of your hair. Secondly, the sun block in the conditioner helps to protect your hair from sun damage. If you can’t find a conditioner with sun block, look for a spray-on sun block that is designed for hair.

Tip 3 – Use Hair Care Products That Are Designed for the Type of Damage That Your Hair Has

There are hundreds of hair care products that you can use to treat your damaged hair. However, before you select a product make sure that it is designed to treat the type of damage that your hair has, and make sure that it is a quality product. When you get your products home, make sure that you read the instructions carefully before you apply it to your hair. By following the directions on the product you will be able to improve your results.

Tip 4 – Trim the Ends of Your Hair Every Two Weeks

Even if you are trying to grow your hair out it is important to trim the ends of your hair about every two weeks. You don’t have to trim very much, just about a centimeter if your hair is relatively healthy. However, if you have seriously damaged ends you will need to trim above the damaged area. By trimming your ends you will stop split ends and you will improve the overall look and health of your hair.

Tip 5 – Use Kitchen Products to Heal Your Hair

There are several items in your kitchen that you can use to improve the health and appearance of your hair. For split ends, dry hair, and frizzy hair you can use olive oil and a beaten egg. Start by massaging olive oil into your hair. Then add in a beaten egg. Let this mixture marinade your hair for about 10 minutes and then shampoo and condition your hair. Mayonnaise is another kitchen staple that can be used to condition your hair. To use this home remedy simply massage mayonnaise into your dry hair and let it sit for about 30 minutes. Then rinse it out of your hair. Finish up by shampooing and conditioning your hair.

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